No hour wasted in saddle

"Horses lend us the wings we lack" - Horse Gallop

“Whatever inspires you is always worth your time. Find inspiration and you’ll experience something curious—time will stop. In the saddle, inspiration is endless and every moment seems like an eternity.”

Time is inevitably ticking away. We can’t stop it. As you’re reading this, some more of it poured down the hourglass. Analysis of what happened won’t help, it simply paralyzes. You can’t stop it. You’re not meant to stop it. Instead, live it. Embrace the flow of time and keep going on. Every moment of every day, dedicate yourself to living life without regrets or “what ifs”.

Our life is defined by time. We can’t help but keep track of it. We blame ourselves that it goes on. That’s how the world works. There is a way to yet break the hourglass. It’s hinted at in art, music and everything abstract—beauty. Through beauty, we get inspired and then time stops. That inspiration makes us feel eternal, beyond the flow of time. There is no way to describe it in words. You have to experience it. Once you experience it, you will recognize it immediately.

horse gallop
"Once you experience it, you will recognize it immediately" - Horse Gallop

Eternal Beauty of Horseback Riding

From moment to moment, build your life on beauty. Surround yourself with beautiful things. You will attract positive people and positive events. You will become beautiful too, without even knowing how. You will radiate beauty and calm.  That has a profound impact on the world. The world is craving beauty to inspire the entire Universe. That’s our life’s purpose, why we’re here.

Don’t analyze or cling on to beauty; that’s impossible. You can’t hold on to it. Instead, live the beauty. Enjoy life to the fullest and have no regrets. Something amazing will happen if you do that. If you always look for beauty, your life will transform. You will become centered in the here and now. No conscious effort is needed for that to happen. It’s just happens but you need to make the first step. Often enough, that first step is an inspiration itself.

Horse Gallop
"Enjoy life to the fullest and have no regrets" - Horse Gallop

Horse Galloping to the Future

We’re all waiting for something to happen and change our lives. Some outside force should come in and set things right. We don’t know what it is but we’re all waiting for it. This wait consumes years and decades of our lives. In the end, no such force ever appears. This is because the real life-changer is inspiration. We are the ones who should make the first move. The world takes our cue and showers us with beauty.

Life isn’t meant to be put on hold or stopped. It slips through our fingers if we try holding on to it. Life is meant to be celebrated with every breath. You are meant to spend your time in good company. You are meant to strive towards glorious goals. There is so much beauty out there, so relish it. Everything you dreamt of as a kid can and should come true. For that, you simply need to get inspired and start the wild ride of life.

Horse Gallop
"There is so much beauty out there, so relish it" - Horse Gallop

Developing True Bonds on Horseback

Horses are amazing companions. They are loyal, steadfast and beautiful to the core. Spending time with horses makes everyone appreciate their grace and strength. They are wild incarnate and yet, they need us. Riding horseback means bonding with the horse forever. No words are spoken because no words are needed. The two souls, human and horse, become one and fly off into the future. All it takes is riding horseback once and you’ll be hooked for life.

Horses are an endless source of inspiration. Their shining hair, mighty hooves and big eyes are worthy of constant praise. Everything they are is worthy of admiration and adoration. They are wind come to life and ready to be ridden. All you have to do is fall in love with them and saddle up. Your soul will then fill up with love, beauty and inspiration from the center of the Universe.

Horse Gallop
"Horses are an endless source of inspiration" - Horse Gallop

Galloping Across Cypriot Fields

Time flies. We can’t stop it. We can’t hold on to it or live in the past. Analyzing it is useless. Instead, we need to catch up to it. We need to power our souls with beauty and inspiration. That’s how we overtake time and live beyond it. Through finding whatever inspires you, your life begins in earnest. You can then start truly loving, without trying to control. No hour of life is wasted that is spent on beauty. Once you go on horseback, you will truly know what this means.

Time flies but so do horses. They are a fountain of beauty, inspiration and speed. There is no better way to leave time in the dust than on horseback. They are how we achieve immortality. It does exist but not as a potion or magic spell. Immortality is in letting go of counting each second of each hour. It’s in beauty that you will finally let go of analyzing the world. It’s then that you will start participating in it. Finally, they you begin to live it.

Horse Gallop
"Time flies but so do horses" - Horse Gallop

Taking In Beauty From Horseback

Make each hour of your life fly by for a good reason. Come join us and feel the might of the horse gallop. Let’s ride on horseback across Cypriot fields. We will kick up some dust and make the ground shake. We will give you the biggest smile you’ve ever had, to the point your face hurts. We will find beauty together. We will outrun time and get inspired together. It’s time to shed the analysis paralysis. Ride onward, into the future.

There is no time for thinking things through. Life is too short for that. Instead, seek beauty and live life without regrets or “what ifs”. Come saddle up with us. We celebrate life and live it to the fullest. We create new bonds and get inspired. We present the world with infinite beauty. You’ll see what it means once you experience it.

Horse Gallop
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No hour wasted in saddle

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Horse Gallop Gallery

"Horses lend us the wings we lack"

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