Faster than the rain

"Horses lend us the wings we lack" - Horse Gallop

“When we were kids, we chased each other in the mud. As grownups, we do the same, except now we’re riding galloping horses. It’s time to take life by the reins and get soaking wet chasing after a dream on horseback.”

Horse Gallop Chase In the Rain

We were fearless as kids. We were eager to experience the world. Everything was so colorful and vivid. We wanted to take in the world and never forget its wonders. Nothing could stop us and no pain seemed too great. If we fell, we would get up and carry on as if nothing happened. As we grow up, a spark of childlike joy lives on in us. It waits for the right moment to shine. When we again go out and face the world, that spark is rekindled. If we nurture it enough, we turn it into a flame of passion. That‘s what keeps us warm in the rain and in the cold. That’s how we experience calm joy and true happiness.

One thing all kids love is chase. The thrill of the chase courses through their veins. Kids chase in the sun, in the rain, at day and night. They inspire one another to keep going and get up when they tire. The chase is never-ending and the thrill is legendary. Through the chase, the kids bond and win together. After a short break, it’s time for another chase, until the end of time. That’s how life is meant to be lived. That’s how dreams are meant to be chased. That’s what all adults should aim at.

Horse Galloping in the rain
"The thrill of the chase courses through their veins. Kids chase in the sun, in the rain, at day and night. They inspire one another to keep going" - Horse Gallop

Galloping After A Dream

Kids chase their dreams with the same fervor as one another. They don’t know what they want but they want it so badly. Full of energy and bursting with ideas, they charge on. This burning passion to achieve their dreams keeps them alive. It’s what makes them smile, laugh, dance and share their passion. No matter where they are, they always move forward after their dreams. All obstacles seem so insignificant to kids. A child at heart will keep trying until the passion is rekindled.

Kids have a limitless ability to be fearless and carefree. Their optimism is unstoppable. They take pleasure in the little things and appreciate the moment. Their love for life and all it has to offer is boundless. Cold, wind or rain—nothing can stop them. All they need are wings to soar. Goethe said that all we have to give kids are roots and wings. In this way, they can stay in the real world and chase their dreams. For wings, they can use horses to experience flight.

Horse Galloping in the rain
"Their love for life and all it has to offer is boundless. Cold, wind or rain—nothing can stop them" - Horse Gallop

Taking the Reins of Life

Kids are creative and curious to no end. They want to know, feel, hear and experience. Completely enthused with life, kids are eternally young in spirit. Throughout life, they earn wisdom and get rooted in the world. When they find wings is when their heart starts flying. To them, the sounds of hooves is like a drumbeat echoing in the heart. They find themselves in the saddle and take it all in.

Staying a child at heart means finding new ways to move forward. It means finding new experiences and gently nudging life as it goes on. There is no way to control life but there’s no need for it. Both young and old are welcome to try horse riding and experience genuine life. Being a child has nothing to do with age but spirit. Becoming mature and yet remaining a child at heart is what life is all about. This is how you get the biggest smile in the world.

Horse Galloping in the rain
"Becoming mature and yet remaining a child at heart is what life is all about" - Horse Gallop

Adventure in the Saddle

All kids yearn for adventure. There is no adventure without a group of friends. In a group of friends, all joy is shared. All destinations become the right ones. When with friends, you will see the kids’ eyes light up. You will see an inborn sense of wonder come to the surface. Adults make everything so complicated. Kids simplify the world for everyone. They reexamine the foundations of life and build upon them. They connect with the world at a spiritual level. Every time we yearn for spirituality, we actually yearn to again become kids at heart.

Kids know how to let go of the past and live in the moment. For them, every day is a new start and every day is a new adventure. For a kid, there are no bad endings, only unfinished adventures. By constantly going onward, kids write their own story. They are the main hero in their story. This is how they connect with the soul of the world. You too should start writing your own story. It’s waiting to be written and it’s inviting you to become a hero.

Horse Galloping in the rain
"They are the main hero in their story. This is how they connect with the soul of the world" - Horse Gallop

The Childlike Joy of Galloping

Come experience the childlike joy of galloping with us. We chase one another and our dreams on horseback. We go on horseriding adventures to find joy in our hearts. Every ride is an adventure and every day a legendary story. As a group of friends, we will share our joy and passion.

Experience the thrill of writing your own story, your own adventure. Anything you dream of can become true, all you have to do is dare. All you have to do is rekindle the passion and make the first step. When you do that, life takes care of the rest. You simply grab the reins and gently nudge life where you’d like it to go.

Horse Galloping in the rain
"Take life by the reins and give wings to the child in you" - Horse Gallop

It’s time to saddle up. Take life by the reins and give wings to the child in you. Let’s get soaking wet and gallop through the mud. Sun or rain, we will keep going forward and beyond the horizon. All obstacles disappear. All inertia floats away and you get immersed in the thrill of the chase. Let’s chase dreams and rekindle the spark of joy. Now’s the time to ride. Are you ready for it? Come with us and let’s chase our dreams.

Horse Galloping in the rain
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Horse Galloping in the rain

Faster than the rain

“When we were kids, we chased each other in the mud. As grownups, we do the same, except now we’re riding galloping horses. It’s time to take life by the reins and get soaking wet chasing after a dream on horseback.” – Horse Gallop.

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Horse Gallop Gallery

"Horses lend us the wings we lack"

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