Horse Galloping Stories

Horse Gallop

“All events in life are contingent on our perspective. Changing our vantage point lets us see things in a different way. It’s through this change of perspective that we arrive at wisdom.” – Horse Gallop

Horse Gallop
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Horse Gallop

“The humanity has always wanted to ride the wind. It’s the innate desire to set our spirit free. That’s why we love horse gallop so much.” – Horse Gallop

Horse Gallop - Poetry in Motion 1
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Horse Gallop

“In a dream, we have a weightless body. The same feeling of weightlessness exists in real life. For that, you have to experience horse gallop.” – Horse Gallop

Horse Gallop - Poetry in Motion 8
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Horse Galloping in the rain

Faster than the rain

“When we were kids, we chased each other in the mud. As grownups, we do the same, except now we’re riding galloping horses. It’s time to take life by the reins and get soaking wet chasing after a dream on horseback.” – Horse Gallop.

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Horse Gallop

New Vantage Point in Saddle

“All events in life are contingent on our perspective. Changing our vantage point lets us see things in a different way. It’s through this change of perspective that we arrive at wisdom.” – Horse Gallop.

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Horse Gallop

No hour wasted in saddle

“Whatever inspires you is always worth your time. Find inspiration and you’ll experience something curious—time will stop. In the saddle, inspiration is endless and every moment seems like an eternity.” – Horse Gallop.

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horse gallop

Poetry in Motion

“The humanity has always wanted to ride the wind. It’s the innate desire to set our spirit free. That’s why we love horse gallop so much.” – Horse Gallop.

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horse gallop

Adding speed to your dream

“In a dream, we have a weightless body. The same feeling of weightlessness exists in real life. For that, you have to experience horse gallop.” – Horse Gallop.

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