Poetry In Motion

"Horses lend us the wings we lack" - Horse Gallop

"The humanity has always wanted to ride the wind. It's the innate desire to set our spirit free. That's why we love horse gallop so much."

Wind moves in ways nobody can understand. It brings about an air of change. It moves the entire world and reaches deep into the human spirit. It courses through the atmosphere and pulls the cloud chariot across the sky. It rises and falls, from the sky to the ground and up again. It has a rhythm of its own and is a truly free spirit. Life stops without the wind. All the science in the world can‘t understand the wind. We don’t have to understand it—we have to feel it. We have to let it mess with our hair. We have to move with the wind. That refreshes the spirit and gives us a sense of freedom.

By feeling the wind and letting it refresh us, we too can change. Bit by bit, the wind lifts us higher. This means we let go and accept its rhythm. We shouldn‘t worry where it’s carrying us. As long as have faith, all will be well. Instead of worrying, we should take the reins and soar to the sky. By feeling the wind’s rhythm, we become one with the spirit of the Universe. We become light and soar. That’s when the adventure starts.

horse gallop
"By feeling the wind and letting it refresh us, we too can change. Bit by bit, the wind lifts us higher" - Horse Gallop

Wind Gallop Horse Riding

Everything that moves has a rhythm, even the wind. This unfathomable rhythm is the spirit of the Universe. In prayers, poetry and art, we try to express this rhythm. In legends, folklore and myth, we try to give it different names. In dance, song and music, we celebrate the rhythm of the Universe. It always remains the same, ever-changing and ever-flowing. That’s the source of our freedom. That’s how we become truly present. That’s how we truly live, no matter where we are.

In every moment, we should strive to experience freedom. We should live unshackled from earthly matters and soar to the sky. We should rediscover what has been forgotten in the ages past. We should make myths come to life and live them. In that story, we become the hero. Believing in a story where we’re the hero is what keeps our passion alive. It’s the retelling of the same story from time immemorial in a new way. That’s how you awaken your spirit. It may all start with a prayer.

Horse Gallop - Poetry in Motion
"Believing in a story where we’re the hero is what keeps our passion alive" - Horse Gallop

Riding the Wind Horse Prayer

In Tibetan Buddhism, the human spirit is called “wind horse”. In emblems and art, the wind horse is shown with wings. It fulfills wishes and brings good fortune to all. Colorful flags are hung and they flutter in the wind. They too are called “wind horse”, carrying prayers to the sky. One of them goes like this:

“As wind carries our prayer for Earth and all life,
May respect and love light our way.
May our hearts be filled with compassion for others and for ourselves.
May peace increase on Earth. May it begin with me.“

That’s not the only winged horse myth. There’s also Pegasus, a winged horse that sprang out of earth. Springs come forth where Pegasus steps. He carries thunderbolts on his back. His myth is about going beyond the limitations. Pegasus lifts the hero above the ordinary and beyond the clouds. He flies faster than the wind and always saves the hero. Winged horses represent the ultimate human desire—freedom. We all want to be free and create our own stories. Wherever we are, whatever we do, we yearn for freedom. We can’t explain why but that yearning is always present.

Horse Gallop
"Wherever we are, whatever we do, we yearn for freedom" - Horse Gallop

Horseback Ride To the Stars

It takes an eternity for the light of the stars to reach us. By the time we see them, they might be long gone. Still, they’re there shining brightly. We’re in touch with them if our heart is filled with passion. They show us the way but not the destination. The destination is our choice alone. Our spirit rushes with boundless speed to touch the stars. We revel in their beauty. We take in their essence and carry it with us, wherever we go. They are that twinkle in our eye.

Horses represent this freedom of spirit and the light of the Universe. Horseriding is how we meet the wind. It can take our spirit on a mighty adventure, to the stars and beyond. The wind could take us across the entire Universe. Nobody knows where we’ll end up being. The destination is less relevant; it’s the journey that matters. It’s time for an air of change in your life. It’s time for an adventure. It starts right here and right now. Don’t think about it, just go.

Horse Gallop - Poetry in Motion 1
"Horseriding is how we meet the wind" - Horse Gallop

Horseback Riding Prayer to Make Wishes Come True

There are many ways to pray. All of them involve focus and dedication to an ideal. Prayer is a holy moment in our lives, a point of light. Horse riding is a way to live the prayer in the moment. It’s a prayer to make wishes come true, especially the one of freedom. No words are necessary, only letting go and enjoying. The wind takes the prayer to the sky. That’s how you’ll know the Wind Horse is real.

The prayer itself is what makes the change. You don’t need anything except believing to pray. Believing in something out there is what changes the world. Believing in an ideal is how we touch the stars. You will know when your prayers are answered. You will feel an intense passion to make a change. You will also feel a serene calm. That’s when your most sincere wishes will come true.

It’s time to make one small step towards that freedom. It’s time to start riding the wind. Feel the wind. Feel the change. Let the wind carry you to the stars. Let your spirit fly free. Start your own adventure. Let go of the limitations and experience a holy moment. Come horseriding like the wind with us. It’s poetry in the making, a brand new story that’s only yours.

Horse Gallop - Poetry in Motion 1
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"Horses lend us the wings we lack"

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